The Naked Truth (TNT) is an ethical, Canadian, ‘sex worker’ owned and operated adult classifieds and advocacy website!
For Providers: The mandate of this site is to support sex workers in finding business solutions that prioritize health and safety. To that end, we are not just an advertising site. We offer health and safety resources, advocacy, and third-party reporting. This is just the beginning.
We have plans and ideas for the future of The Naked Truth but we also want to see how it evolves organically within our adult industry culture. We want to hear from providers to let us know what’s working for you and what’s not. TNT has been created as a tool to benefit you!
For Clients: We care about clients too. We know that the really good clients want us to have ethical business options. The best clients are those who genuinely care about the safety and comfort of their chosen providers. We appreciate you!
The Naked Truth has been around since 2001, when it was started by then-stripper, Annie Temple.
Originally the site catered to exotic dancers and gained traction primarily in British Columbia. We held multi-year charity events like “Exotic Dancers for Cancer” in memory of Jocelyn and later we founded the “TNT Adult Entertainment Awards” held in Vancouver BC.
We even had 15 minutes of fame when the Breast Cancer Society of Canada rejected our donation in 2007. Annie’s face was plastered across mainstream media around the world!
Over the years, the community grew to include the adult entertainment industry as a whole.
Annie Temple had joined the BC Coalition of Experiential Communities (BCCEC), a group that consisted of adult industry professionals from diverse areas of the industry; and it just seemed like the right thing to do. Adult providers from other parts of the industry were silently participating anyway – so Annie made it official and opened the site up to all genders and genres of adult entertainment.
This new incarnation of The Naked Truth has been formed out of an idea that Susan Davis [one of our founding members of the BCCEC] had about combining our activism efforts from the past 20 years into one entity.
Three coalition members formed to create The Naked Truth – Annie Temple, Susan Davis, and Velvet Steele. All three of us have been sex workers for most of our adult lives. We have worked tirelessly and usually without pay to advance the health and safety of sex workers.
Susan Davis is and has been a force to be reckoned with in the sex worker advocacy community. She brings knowledge, experience, understanding of bureaucracy, and a passionate voice to our fight for sex worker’s rights.
Velvet Steele has been an advocate and activist for transsexual and transgender rights, within, and outside the sex worker community. She brings passion and purpose to our cause.
Velvet and Susan bring years of lobbying and advocacy in official circles such as various police departments, city councils, bylaw enforcement, and in partnership with various politicians. This is just a small representation of the vast knowledge and experience they both have.
Annie Temple coordinated the Trade Secrets project which resulted in an in-depth occupational health and safety guide for adult entertainers and clients. Trade Secrets is the basis for what we strive to accomplish at The Naked Truth.
We see The Naked Truth as a way to potentially fund projects and supports for sex workers that we have been unable to get funding for through other sources.
It is our great hope that monetizing The Naked Truth will enable our community to advance sex worker’s health and safety in Canada.
Providers: Please support TNT by posting ads on our site and subscribing to our email updates! We are always here if you’d like to reach out. We ask for your feedback as we launch the site. Ads are free until further notice. Don’t worry, we will keep you updated as we grow.
Clients: Please support TNT by checking out our ads first before going to another ad site. Let providers know if you found them through our site. Contact us with your feedback too!
The Naked Truth (TNT) sincerely appreciates your support. We look forward to building a healthier, safer industry in Canada together with you.
Love Velvet, Susan, and Annie xo