The BC Coalition of Experiential Communities

The BCCEC are moving from our old site to make our home here on the Naked Truth!!

Please be pateint as we migrate our reports and information here. If you have a question or comment please do not hesitate to reach out to us and we will do our best to help you out!



Who We Are

The BC Coalition of Experiential Communities are a regional democratic organization of sex workers who are activists mandated as a mechanism for the voices of experiential people to support the development of legislation and policies; peer driven programs and services; and work toward the elimination of oppressive systems and forces that create harm within the sex industry.


The B.C. Coalition of Experiential Women (BCCEW) was formed out of two regional meetings of women in and from the sex industry in 2002 and 2004. In 2005 we became a consortium of sex worker activists mandated as a mechanism for the voices of experiential women to support the development of legislation and policies; peer driven programs and services; and work toward the elimination of oppressive systems and forces that create harm within the sex industry.

The BCCEW has since become the BC Coalition of Experiential Communities to include members representing sex workers of all gender identities and all locations within our industry and community.

BCCEC is currently project driven and consists of members who have over 80 years combined experience in advocacy, direct service delivery and management, as well as over 160 years experience in all facets of the sex industry. The BCCEC remains grounded in the issues of individuals in and from the sex industry and may serve as a:

  • consultative body of perspectives on sex industry issues;
  • a host organization for sex industry workshops, events and initiatives;
  • research body to increase sex industry community members participation in knowledge development by and for our community.
  • support system for self advocating sex industry community members through sharing knowledge and experience working in human rights, labor rights and within government at all levels.
  • stakeholder and partner in community safety initiatives.

BCCEC members have been major contributors to sex worker organizations in Vancouver BC, Kamloops, Prince George and Surrey/Whalley, most notably the Mobile Access Project, The Naked Truth ( online resource and adult entertainment social enterprise) New Hope (Prince George drop in program), Living in Community (Vancouver), PACE Society (Vancouver), Surrey Girlz (Surrey/ Whalley), The Canadian Adult Entertainment Commission, West Coast Cooperative of Sex Industry Professionals.

We support diverse perspectives and experiences in the sex industry however we do not support enforcement or rehabilitation models that promote the continued criminalization of the sex industry or perpetuate sex worker dependency on social programs.

Our Mission

The BCCEC is a mechanism for the voices of experiential communities to:

  • Our Mission- Ensuring the fundamental recognition of human rights for sex workers including their right to dignity, safety, equality and empowerment;- Working to ensure legislation and policies center sex industry community inclusion;
  • – Advocating for the rights of sex industry community members to work free from harm and enjoy the benefits of their labour.
  • – Supporting and promoting experiential leadership, the development of essential services and a continuum of services for active sex workers through class advocacy;
  • – Creating a supportive network for sex worker activists to have opportunities for leadership and action on issues that impact their lives and the well being of their communities;
Follow the links below to see our reports, resources and work;

Housing Exclusion – By Design

  For thousands of years, the Coast Salish peoples have flourished in the land that is now Vancouver We honor the three great Nations whose land this is: Squamish Nation,…

BCCEC Arts Collective

Wellness in Art Sex workers have a long history and relationship with art. From being the muse to producing art, our community have contributed to the culture of societies and…

Financial exclusion

Financial Exclusion Financial Exclusion   Background For decades sex workers have been denied access to basic business financial tools based on anti sex work ideology describing sex workers as all…

Human Trafficking and 2010 Olympics

Follow this link to see the full report; Human Trafficking and the 2010 Games Human trafficking is often a fear before hallmark sporting events. Members of our group engaged in…

PTSD Final Report

Follow this link for the full report; Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Project Premise It was identified during the BCCEC “Confronting Bad Dates: Research, Collaboration and Action to Reduce Violence…

Opening the Doors- Short version 2011

Follow the link to see the full report; Opening the Doors Report- Short Report Opening the Doors- Final Report BC Coalition of Experiential Communities 2011 Project Background and Rationale During…

Building Capacity Among Survival Sex Workers

For the full report follow this link; Building Capacity Among Survival Sex Workers final report Submitted11 Introduction: The 17th International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm Conference (the…

Protection For All – Final Report

Follow this link for the full report; Protection_for_All_Final_BD report Aug07 Foreword The BC Coalition of Experiential Women and Communities (BCCEC) received funds to undertake the Confronting Bad Dates project which…

Labour on the Margins

Follow this link to see the full report; Labour on the Margins During the “Developing Capacity for Change Project”-coop development work shops, workers expressed how a trade association and a…

Leading the Way

Follow the link to see the full report; leading_the_way.pdf Strategic Planning Toward Sex Worker Cooperative Development This project is based on our findings from our previous project Developing Capacity for…

Community Research Guidelines

A Guide for Community Organizations Revised Feb. 2006 Click here for document As community based research becomes more prevalent within voluntary sectors, knowledge of research principles and ethics has become…

Confronting Bad Dates

Follow this link to see the full discussion document; Confronting_Bad_Dates_Prelim_Discussion_Doc_ This project, Confronting Bad Dates: Research, Collaboration, and Action to Reduce Violence Against Survival Sex Workers, customized and tested a…

From The Curb

Please see the full report at the link below; BCCEW_Final_Report_Violence_and_Domestic_Trafficking Purpose of the Consultation The purpose of the consultation was to develop a regional perspective on two important issues: Violence,…