
Featured Articles


Do you have something to say? Want to share a story? We want to hear from you!

Your ideas, experiences and creative self are important to the community! Sharing the issues you face or challenges you have overcome can help others who may face similar times. Stories, visuals and presentations of success are also important and can inspire others to achieve their goals.

Whether you have just passed the bar exam or opened a small business, if you have overcome adversity in a legal challenge or faced bias in achieving your goals, we would love to hear from you!

Sex workers, clients, and allies are encouraged to contribute!

Feel free to shamelessly promote yourself in the “About the Author” at the end of your piece.

Images encouraged! Please include jpeg’s of your logo or relevant images when submitting story ideas (research projects, events, job postings, etc.). Get creative and make your own image! Note: You will not be turned down if you do not provide an image.

Posters in jpg format preferred (rather than pdf).

Contact Annie Temple for more information:


Ready to submit a story, share your art, or news article we missed?

If you are ready to submit a story for publication on the Naked Truth, please format your work as a Word document. Send your message to our Editor who will reply so you can send your document via email.

Have some beautiful poetry? Do you love to paint? Is photography your passion?

We would love to give you a platform to share your art with the world! You can send any form of writing as a Word document and any pictures of other art as jpg files.

Need help formatting your pictures? Contact us and we can help!

Have a news worthy article, send us the link, we’d love to read all about it.

Let’s get started! Contact us today!



Disclaimer: All submissions are the property of the artist/ author and have been published here with license only for presentation on the Naked Truth. Reproduction of any kind is forbidden without the express consent of the author/ artist/ creator of the content.