“I was sitting near the stage when she sat in my lap for a minute. That was cool. A relationship had already been built. I thought she was relaxing with me. The next time I was in the club, I asked for a private dance. When she was naked with her back to me, I reached for her bottom because I thought she was being cool with that due to my previous encounter near the stage. She flinched and pushed her bottom right into my hand as I was taking it away. After things cooled down, I explained what she did the previous time I was here so thought that this was now permitted. She didn’t remember and was embarrassed. We both apologized and it resolved quite well. I will never do that again. It is not worth risking the relationship.”
The following advice comes from other patrons:
- Don’t be an idiot. Be polite and respectful, as they are someone’s children.
- Tip generously. They do appreciate it.
- They are intelligent, courteous, great people to know. You make their experience with you enjoyable and they will make your experience with them enjoyable. Remember, they’re real friendly if you give them a chance. This is their job but they like to have fun too. You make it miserable for them and they will leave.
- Condoms on toys. Seeing the condom package opened to ensure first time use.
- Walk away from any dodgy situation.
- With an activity as safe as R&T (rub and tug), any massage provider who has been established for more than a year would be healthy and safe. I would expect them to have a nice clean place with a stack of clean linen and towels at hand.
- Do your research on relevant websites if you want safe and satisfying experiences.