By Hallelujah Annie
Some of you are already pros at being great clients!
In fact, you could teach a course on it, I’m sure.
You could probably even write a better article about it than I, since you’d be coming from the point of view of having visited multiple sex workers.
I am coming from the point of view of only one…ME.
However, I believe all professionals in my industry would agree with what I’m saying in this article.
If you love sex workers and truly appreciate what we have to offer, here is how you can show your appreciation!
I absolutely adore those of you who follow these courtesies. XOXO
Please read my rates and services page before contacting me.
It tells you how to contact me (email; text) and how to introduce yourself (name, number, booking date).
It tells you what I charge, my hours, and my restrictions.
It tells you that I will send you a photo of my face if you send me one of yours first. 😉
Please don’t ask me questions that you can find the answers to on my site.
If something is not on my site, ask away!
I prefer if you are very upfront about what you’re looking for. I will tell you yes or no with zero judgement towards you.
My price is firm. Please do not haggle.
If you want to know why I charge “so much,” then book an appointment with me and find out.
If I am out of your price range, I’m sure you’ll find a provider who is. No hard feelings for either of us.
Personally, I don’t take phone calls – only text or email.
Most sex workers who do take phone calls will not accept calls from blocked or private numbers.
My absolute favourite clients almost always start out by sending me an short bio and a photo of their face.
This is key to a good experience.
I am a very horny woman but really bad breath and body odour are huge turn OFF’s for me.
I provide shower facilities and mouthwash. Please use them!
Another way to avoid the bad breath thing is to breathe through your nose and / or direct your breathing away from my face.
(I do all of the above – brush my teeth, use mouthwash, nose breathing, and breathing away from your face.)
You’re welcome. 😉
I mean, honestly, it’s up to you.
But personally, I like it if you can come while you’re with me.
I’m not saying that I will be upset or disappointed if you don’t come!
It happens and I’m not offended or upset in the least!
But if I have a choice of you coming before our appointment by yourself, or you coming during our appointment with me – I will choose CUM WITH ME every time!
If you want to orgasm earlier in the session, that is always an option too.
Communicate with me!
My business is your pleasure!
I don’t just sit around in my lingerie waiting for clients to arrive and then magically appear perfect and ready for the next one.
There is work to be done between appointments!
I always ensure that I have showered and cleaned myself well before every booking.
I also need to set up the massage area and heat my massage oil.
I like to put on a little perfume and make sure everything is tidy.
Get the music going…
As you can see, there is effort put into making your appointment as awesome as possible.
So, please do not arrive early.
If you’re early, text me from your car and I will let you know when I am ready for you.
Wait in your car until that time.
Thanks so much!
One of the reasons I can’t have you arriving early is because I cannot leave you hanging around outside my door until I’m ready.
In this business, I have to be discreet.
I do not want my neighbours or landlord complaining about you.
I especially don’t want you drawing attention to my visitors.
This is my livelihood. Please respect my workspace and be discreet when coming and going.
Please pay the agreed upon amount before we begin.
Let’s get that out of the way and have some fun!
I prefer cash but will do e-transfer occasionally.
Just ask!
We’ll both have a much better time if you respect my boundaries.
It is my job to also respect yours.
Please be very clear with me about things you do not like or do not want me to do.
I will never be offended, only grateful that you communicated with me.
My boundaries take two things into consideration:
a) How can we do this in a fun but safe way?
b) How can we do this in a way that maximizes both our arousal?
I realize that you are the paying customer and I am the service provider, but I guarantee you’ll have more fun if I’m having fun too.
If you cross a boundary without my invitation, things will get awkward and uncomfortable.
So, let’s have some wickedly awesome naked fun without wrecking it by crossing each other’s boundaries.
I make a big effort to be clean and pretty “down there” for you.
I take care of my parts very well realizing that my body is not just a source of income for me but also a source of great pleasure.
However, when my parts have been abused by too much friction or pressure in those delicate areas – it threatens both my income and my pleasure.
I’m also at an age in my life where a little extra lube goes a long way.
So, please, when stimulating my pussy, use the coconut oil I provide.
Make sure I’m super slippery and that your touch is not too rough.
I will ask you to be gentle if you’re applying too much pressure or friction.
I understand that we can both get caught up in the moment.
Definitely let me know if I need to be more gentle or switch it up too!
I really don’t want to have to kick you out!
But I have other clients and things to do before they arrive.
I also have a family, so sometimes I have to go right after a booking to take my kids to their activities or make dinner or what have you.
It’s nothing personal against you. I just have a very tight (pussy)… I mean, schedule. 😉
This is not a request for tips!
Honestly, I do not expect tips and my impression of you is not based on whether or not you tip.
However, many clients ask me what kinds of gifts I may like to receive.
I am not a materialistic woman.
I have everything I need, really!
But I also have kids, bills to pay, groceries to buy, and the overhead for my business is quite high too.
If you really want to show me some extra appreciation, I would be most grateful for a tip.
Any amount is great! (Even $5 is appreciated!)
But again, tips are not expected.
I will love you whether you tip or not, as long as you are clean, you don’t smell bad, and you are kind and respectful to me. XOXO
For more information about being a great client and more…check out this link: Trade Secrets for Our Clients