“Anyone who does not want to use condoms or other protection, those who try to get a deal, and anyone who gets mad at YOU because THEY can’t get it up… Stay away!”
There are many ways to screen customers. Here are some tips from sex industry workers across Canada:
By phone:
- When you are first learning to screen customers over the phone, you may book a lot of undesirables or no-shows. But over time, you will find it easier to be a good judge of character over the phone.
- Don’t make appointments with blocked/private/withheld callers. Tell them to call back from an unblocked number.
- Question them a bit and see how the energy is.
- Listen to their tone of voice. Is the speech slurred?
- Does the client speak to you respectfully?
- Typically, a good client will phone to ask a few questions and book a time. If a phone call goes longer than a couple of minutes, this is usually bogus. The caller is just looking for a chat buddy. It rarely goes further than that.
Via Internet:
- Ask them to communicate via email and keep emails on file once you’ve made the first appointment.
- Only reply to well-written emails that at least try to sound like they are interested in seeing you specifically and aren’t just cold-calling every pro in the city to see who will give the best rate.
- Good clients use respectful language in their emails and are more interested in booking a time than giving long-winded speeches. They might have a few specific questions. But generally, people of quality have already researched your services and do not need extensive communication.
- Ask for a reference – Some providers will offer a client a “reference” so they can assure other sex workers the client is safe to visit. Every interaction is different however and what works for one sex worker may not work for another. A reference alone is not generally seen as complete screening.
- DEPOSIT VIA E-TRANSFER – Requiring a deposit is a good way to ensure your time is not wasted and to screen a potential client. The E-transfer method of deposit is unique to Canada and allows for immediate transfer of funds. This method will generally contain personal information about the client or their company/ business and will suffice as screening for the purpose of safety. If the client is coming from outside of Canada this method may not be possible. Paypal and other payment methods are possible but be careful. Credit card payments can be contested up to 3 months after the transaction so make sure to get allt eh clients contact info, full name and any other details you can confirm to ensure you receive payment for your work.
In person:
- Check whether or not they are under the influence by checking for slurred speech, smell of booze, and facial expressions that would indicate intoxication.
- Weed out the good customers from the bad based on the questions they ask prior to the service. Turn away customers who ask too many questions about why a certain service is or is not allowed.
- Check their reaction to price to see if they can really afford it.
- Check if they are carrying a large bag or suitcase. These could contain weapons or materials they could use against you in an assault.
- If working out doors or doing “car dates”, check the car thoroughly before getting in and never get into a van when you cannot see into the back. Do they have rope or a weapon you can see? do they have drug paraphenalia or empty alcohol containers? Is the car a mess as if they live in the car?
In General:
- Ask exactly what they want including questions like: are you interested in gentle, romantic sex or are you wanting a hard-core banging? Sometimes these conversations will lead them to disclose more about themselves, which is useful for screening.
- Get referrals from trustworthy people.
- If they want to pay you really well, it might be too good to be true.
- Different cultures view sex industry workers in varying lights.
- Always be on guard.
- Intuition is a powerful personal tool. It never lets you down. So listen to it always.