Supports, Services and Information for Sex Industry Workers who are Victims of Crime
This brochure was created to provide resources, tips and support to sex industry workers who are victims of crime.
It was identified during the BCCEC “Confronting Bad Dates: Research, Collaboration and Action to Reduce Violence against Survival Sex Workers project” that:
provincial victim services were unavailable to collaborate on strategies like the redesign and distribution of a new Bad Date sheet and a 1-800 line for reporting violence;
the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General victim support services were largely unknown among sex workers and some faced barriers in accessing services;
Sex workers who had past experiences with Victim Services shared that their identification as sex workers limited or eliminated their chances to receive supports; inclusive of counselling and compensation.
In response the British Columbia Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General graciously provided support to create a brochure and provide workshops facilitated by a well known Canadian psychologist to active workers, experiential professionals and service providers on post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Workshops took place in July 2007.
We look forward to a broad distribution of The 411 as well as exploring PTSD among sex workers and legitimizing theses experiences in addition to establishing and coordinating unique resources and support services.